What is GeneaSpy?

GeneaSpy is an avid genealogist and advocate for genealogical education. Genealogy is a passion, not a hobby.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Jamboree 2015: A Photo Recap; Day 2

 Day two started with a full breakfast in my hotel room followed by a trip to the coffee bar before another full day of genealogy classes and events.

My schedule was as follows:
v Class: “Searching For The Living and Connecting with the Slave Owner’s Descendant” Bernice Alexander Bennett
v Class: “Dissect Obituaries for New Clues” George G. Morgan
v Event: "We are Family" Sing-along w/Sister Sledge
v Class: “The Genealogist as CSI” George G. Morgan
v Class: “But Wait… There’s More: New and Lesser-Known Features and Tools on FamilySearch.org” Kathy Warburton
v Meeting: SoCal Chapter of the Association of Professional Genealogists
v Meeting: NextGen Genealogy Network
v Banquet: “Hoosier Daddy? LIVE!” Michael D. Lacopo 

Linda Brady from San Diego was there!

Catherine Luijt, President of CSGA
Paula Hinkel pumping up the people

Trish Stanard and daughter, Elena Jacobson

Michael Melendez at the NextGen meeting
Mark Olsen and the team from MyHeritage
RootsMagic table
Geoff Rasmussen of Legacy Software was there too!

The FamilySearch area
Dr. Joel Weintraub and Dr. Stephen P. Morris - Looking for a Pizza place
MyHeritage had a large presence!
Michael D. Lacopo after the banquet
Bernice Alexander Bennett speaking

Virginia Taylor won a raffle prize

Documenting Your Past guys

                   ***  A lot of my indoor shots turned out yellowish so I'll have to fix them and do a "revisited" post at another time. Also had trouble with alignment and timeline arrangement. I'm still very new to using Blogger.

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