What is GeneaSpy?

GeneaSpy is an avid genealogist and advocate for genealogical education. Genealogy is a passion, not a hobby.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Jamboree 2015: A Photo Recap; Day 1

 The Southern California Genealogical Society held its 46th. annual “Jamboree” at the Marriott hotel and conference center in Burbank, CA.  I attended the three-day event beginning on Friday, June 5th.  I left Escondido at 4:45 am driving my car through the morning traffic on up to Burbank and arriving around 7:30 am.  I relaxed with some coffee in the lounge with Randy and Linda Seaver while checking my schedule. Elyse Doerflinger, Sheri Fenley, and some others showed up for a chit chat before the classes began and we took a photo of the occasion.

Elyse Doerflinger, Myself, Sheri Fenley and Randy Seaver

  I attended the workshop entitled, “Documenting a Respectable Family History: Guidelines, Not Rules” presented by Thomas W. Jones, PhD, CG, CGL, FASG, FUGA, FNGS, to kick off my weekend of genealogical learning. This was a 4 ½ hour bombardment of all things “citations” by one of the masters of genealogy today. I wish it was videotaped, but I did get a nice handout from him.

Dr. Jones' workshop

 The rest of the day went as follows:
v  Meeting: California State Genealogical Alliance
v  Exhibitor Hall: Explore all the vendors
v  Class: “The Jones Jinx: Tracing Common Surnames” Thomas W. Jones
v  Class: “Tracing Slave and Slaveowner Ancestors with DNA and Genealogy" Nicka Smith
v  Class: “Debunking Misleading Records” Thomas W. Jones
v  Banquet: “How Genealogy Hasn’t Changed in Fifty Years” Thomas W. Jones

      So, this has defiantly been a Tom Jones day indeed! I might add that Nicka Smith was awesome as usual. I saw her last year too and I think this year she is even better. She is so energetic, funny, smart, and uplifting. In her audience were top genealogists, Angela Walton-Raji, Bernice Bennett, and Genealogy Roadshow’s, Kenyatta D. Berry. I also met facebook friend, Henry Goins, a potential cousin that DNA tests will have to confirm – hopefully!

Dr. Diane McClure-Lott, President of the San Diego Genealogical Society, was doing some last minute class selections early Friday.

They were organized with the check-in process.

Patricia Stanard and Kim Cotton also strategizing over the days events. So many classes!

One of the class schedule signs

Lunch on the green was one of many options for conference goers.

Leo T. Myers of SCGS introducing Friday night's banquet dinner speaker, Dr. Thomas W. Jones.

Dr. Jones giving his presentation, "How Genealogy Hasn’t Changed in Fifty Years", during the Friday banquet.

Yes, I'm a Ribbon Dork. Thanks to Thomas MacEntee for the California inspired blogger beads and to Melanie Frick for the NextGen bracelet. 

My home for 3 days.

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